Get to Know Me
Hideki Yamane
Yamane Consulting
We are global marketing specialists.
Over 25 years of experience in global marketing consulting. Focus on practice rather than big-headed advices. When we criticize, we come up with suggestions. Experience in planning, execution, grant writing, reviewing of cross-border & cross-cultural projects in public sector, food & agriculture. Our motto is agile and humble when responding to customers. We enjoy projects which doesn't necessary have a right answer. Response without preconceptions. Flexibility and energy to start up a business from scratch. A sense of responsibility and sincerity in working toward results.
Get to Know Me
Hideki Yamane
Born in San Francisco and raised in Tokyo. His bi-cultural upbringing enabled him to build a cross-border career at leading advertising firm in Tokyo as sales and marketing associate, leading travel agency in New York to manage marketing activities, Australian government office in Tokyo to promote trade and attract investments, Hawaii Department of Agriculture to promote Hawaii products in local, national and international markets, internship at UK consulting firm to build export strategy for municipal government, and First Hawaiian Bank as private banker before establishing his own consulting firm based in Honolulu.
He has over 25 years of experience in due diligence, feasibility study, global marketing, trade, strategic project planning, and implementation in the public sector, FMCG, food & agriculture, renewable energy, and digital game industries in Australia, Japan, and the US.
Graduate of the London Business School (MSc Strategy & Leadership, Sloan Fellowship), Nihon University (Master in International Business, B.A. Philosophy, Tokyo, Japan), University of Hawaii GoFarm Program, JETRO Certified Trade Advisor, a member of - Japan Academy for Foreign Trade and Business, HACCP Certificate, Hawaiian Historic Society, Emergency Amateur Radio Club of Hawaii. Hawaii Real Estate Agent (RS-83230), FAA Small Unmanned Aircraft (UAS) Pilot.
Published two business-related books and a historic romance novel in Japan. Lectured at Japan Small and Medium Enterprise Management Consultant Association (J-SMECA), Kyushu University (Japan), and Yuan Ze University (Taiwan). He is married with no children. He enjoys cycling (road & mountain), surfing (longboard), hiking, playing ukulele, amateur radio (FCC Extra), building electronic circuits, traveling (been to 20 countries), and cooking.
カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコにて出生。幼少から青年期を東京・大田区とテキサス州・ヒューストンで過ごす。都内の広告代理店、ニューヨークの大手旅行代理店、オーストラリア政府駐日事務所、ハワイ州政府農務省、ハワイの大手銀行勤務などを経て個人でコンサルティング会社を立ち上げ、現在に至る。米国農務省USDA統計局のField Surveyorとしてハワイの農業調査も行う。
ホノルル市在住10年目。趣味は自転車(Road & Mountain)、サーフィン (longboard)、ハイキング、ウクレレ、アマチュア無線(FCC Extra級)、電子工作、旅行 (20カ国訪問)、料理。