Get to Know Me
Hideki Yamane
Yamane Consulting
This is a hidden story of a Japanese castaway behind the glory of John Manjiro. Goemon, the main character, went out fishing from a small fishing village in Tosa (today’s Kochi prefecture), Japan with Manjiro (aka John Manjiro), two brothers, and a fellow fisherman in 1841. He and his fellows encountered a storm, drifted away toward the southeast, and landed on an uninhabited island. After 5 months of survival, they were rescued by an American ship and taken to Honolulu, Hawaii.
He lived and worked on Oahu for 9 years during the turbulent Kingdom of Hawaii, longed for returning to then isolated Japan, later met a Hawaiian lady (Hina), and married but... Goemon was one of the first Japanese to become a Christian and naturalized to the Kingdom of Hawaii. This is based on a true story.
I met one of the descendants of his brother by chance and heard this sad but romantic story. I wanted to tell readers the spirit of aloha and true love prevails in time-space. I spent nearly four years researching evidence both in Hawaii and Japan. Also, my background of working at Hawaii Department of Agriculture enabled me to depict farming of Hawaii back in the 1840s.
#2 Drifted Aloha Synopsis Picture Video
#3 Fate of a Japanese castaway in Hawaii Video
#4 Walking POV weekend downtown Honolulu
#5 Finding Descendant of a Japanese Castaway in Hawaii
#6ゆかりの地 (Historic Site Intro video)「Kaneohe」
#7ゆかりの地 (Historic Site Intro video)「Pali Lookout」
#8ゆかりの地 (Historic Site Intro video)「Honolulu Port」
#9ゆかりの地 (Historic Site Intro video)「Kawaiahao Church」
#10ゆかりの地 (Historic Site Intro video)「Hawaiian Mission House」
高知県土佐市宇佐町(1826-1841, 1852-59)
Usa-town, Tosa-City, Kochi-Prefecture (1826-1841, 1852-59)
A quiet fishing port town facing the Pacific Ocean, about 45 minutes drive from city of Kochi. The town is known for producing high quality citrus fruits and okras. The Chausu Mountain is surrounding the town. Goemon, Fudenosho (Denzo), Juusuke and Toraemon grew up in this place. They left the fishing port and drifted when Goemon was 15 years old. He returned at age of 25, then confined in the village by order of Tosa Clan, and died crazy at age of 33.
鳥島は東京の南に点在する伊豆諸島の南端に位置している。同じく伊豆諸島に属する八丈島はその北290kmほどにあり、鳥島から約400km離れた南には小笠原諸島がある。東京都の測候所があったが第二次世界大戦とともに無人となる。アホウドリの寄生地でもあり、貴重な自然生態が残る島である。鳥島は直径2.7kmほどの丸い形をした火山島で、面積は約4.6 平方km。練馬区の大きさの十分の1に満たない。周囲は断崖絶壁に囲まれているため上陸するのも困難である。五右衛門らは磯を見下ろす岩根の傍にある約3.6平方m(八畳程度)の洞窟にいた。大人5人が入るには狭い。五右衛門らはホイットフィールド船長に救出されるまで半年ほどサバイバル生活を送った。(写真:国土交通省気象庁)
Torishima Island, Izu Archipelago, Tokyo (1841.1-7)
This uninhabited island is located on the southern most of Izu Archipelago. 290km south of Hachijojima Island and 400km north of Chichijima Island of Ogasawara Archipelago. There was a Tokyo metropolitan government's weather station but withdrawn after the World War 2. The island is a landing site for Albatros migratory birds and valuable natural resources are still intact. Diameter of 2.7km round-shape volcanic island and the land is about 4.6 square km. It is surrounded by cliffs and very difficult to land. Goemon and other fellows survived in a cave (about 3.6 square meter or 8-jo tatami mats) on a cliff overlooking the shore. It is quite tight for 5 men to stay. They survived in the island for about 6 months until they were rescued by Captain Whitfiled. (Photo: Japan Meteorological Agency)
沖縄県糸満市の大字、沖縄本島南端部に位置し、近くには沖縄戦終焉の地として平和公園となり、多数の慰霊塔が林立する平和祈念資料館・平和の礎(いしじ)がある。五右衛門らは1851年2月に小舟のアドベンチャー号でこの村の磯(現在の大度海岸)に上陸してから翁長村(現在の豊見城市字翁長)に移り、7月末に薩摩(現在の鹿児島)に護送されるまで、しばらく村民のお世話になり村民たちと交流した。(写真 糸満市役所)
Mabuni Village (Odo Beach, Itoman-city, Okinawa) & Onaga Village (Tomigusuku-city, Okinawa) (1851.2-7)
This place is located on the southern tip of Okinawa island. The Peace Memorial Park to commemorate the end of Okinawa battle during the World War 2 is located near here. Goemon, Denzo, and Manjiro landed on the shore by a small boat in February 1851. They were then taken to Onaga village (currently Toyomigusuku city, Onaga). Then graciously taken care by the villagers and built friendship with them. (Photo: Itoman City Government and Tomigusuku City Government, Okinawa Prefecture)
ハワイ州ホノルル(1841.12 – 1845.12)
Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii (1841.12 - 1845.12)
Hawaii's capitol and the city has the largest population and economy in the state. During 1840s, many ships from all around the world called at the port as a base port for whaling and export of Sandalwood. Goemon and other fellows lived here until they moved to Kaneohe at the end of 1845. Goemon worked as a housekeeper at Dr. Judd's to take care of children and Juusuke. Denzo worked as a housekeeper at Mr. Cook and as a janitor at the Royal Elementary School. Toraemon worked as an apprentice at carpenter Mr. Hart's.
ハワイ州カネオヘ(1845.12 – 1847.10)
ホノルルから車で約40分。コウラウ山脈を越えたところにある風光明媚なベットタウン。五右衛門と伝蔵は兄弟である重助の療養のために引っ越す。重助の死後、現在のTimes Supermarketのあるあたりに埋葬されたが都市開発に伴い、海側のGreenhaven Memorial Parkに移葬される。五右衛門と伝蔵は一度目の帰国敢行までの期間をこの村で過ごす。五右衛門はパーカー牧師の教会兼住居で住み込みのお手伝いとして暮らし、伝蔵は畑仕事をしたり近くの湾で漁をしたりした。
Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii (1845.12 - 1847.10)
This scenic residential town is about 40 minutes drive from Honolulu. Goemon moved to this town with Denzo to take care of the 2nd eldest brother, Juusuke. Juusuke was buried at where Times Supermarket is now, but later the grave is transferred to Greenhaven Memorial Park. Goemon and Denzo spent about a little less than 2 years in this village. Goemon worked as a housekeeper of Reverend Benjamin Parker's and his church. Denzo did farming and fishing.
ハワイ州ホノウリウリ(1848.10 – 1850.12)
ホノルルから車で約40分(渋滞の無い場合)のフィリピン人や東南アジア人が多く住む町。元々はサトウキビ栽培とその精製で栄えた土地。赤土の大地が広がる。近くにはアウトレットショッピングで有名なWaikele Outletがある。五右衛門と伝蔵は一度目の帰国敢行に失敗してからこの開墾地に移り住んだ。五右衛門はここでハワイ人女性のヒナと出会い結婚し、約2年2ヶ月を過ごした。
Honouliuli, Oahu, Hawaii(1848.10 – 1850.12)
A residential and agricultural mixed use place about 40 minutes drive from downtown Honolulu (if no traffic jam). The population is mainly consisted from Filipinos, Hawaiians and South East Asians. Sugarcane farming and refinery were the main industry in this area. Red clay soil fertile land produce variety of crops. There are a famous Waikele Outlet Shopping Mall. Goemon and Denzo moved to this farm land after they failed the 1st attempt to move back to Japan. Goemon met with a Hawaii lady called Hina, married and lived nearly 2 years 2 months.